Slowing Down: The benefits of a proper Rest

mr busy

We live in the busiest generation that ever existed. It’s as if there is an unspoken competition going on with each other: Who is busier than who? “Oh, you have to fetch your kids from school? I have to fetch them, take them to soccer and ballet practise and still go home and make supper.” (In other words: Beat ya!)

Why this addiction to being busy all of the time? It really does become an addiction and we have lost the art of slowing down and enjoying the seemingly insignificant moments of life. I believe that we are trying to remain relevant, to keep up with other people and to look like we ‘have it all together’. So, we keep going on this treadmill of life, just running, but never really getting anywhere. This can prove to be very frustrating.

Some of the ailments that a lack of proper physical rest can bring according to WebMD include: a lack of concentration, heart disease caused through stress, high blood pressure… You get the picture. Physical exhaustion may also lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout, which in turn can lead to more health problems.

Sorry, so far this has been painting a rather bleak picture, I know. I promise that there is a silver lining, coming up. (Please keep reading)

There is a third type of rest I want us to look at. Spiritual rest. Resting in God. Trusting Him, even when we don’t feel like it.

I want to remind you of the words that Jesus spoke. “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 The Message)

Jesus promises to show us how to take a real rest, if only we would ‘come to him’. We need to surrender the urge to ‘control’ and to constantly run, we need to learn how to say ‘no’ sometimes to others, so we can say ‘yes’ to ourselves. Say ‘yes’ to spending time receiving from Jesus, His perfect rest for your soul. Our souls get weary, our emotions and our thought-life can get contaminated by this world we live in and sometimes we lose our focus. However, Jesus promises us true rest.

rest here

Practically, you may be asking, how does this look? Well, for each of us, it may be different, depending on our personalities. Sometimes going for a massage gets my mind clear and gets me to relax. Whereas, reading actually stimulates my brain more than relaxing it. So, you need to find what suits you. Here are a few suggestions of things to try:

  1. Journaling
  2. Hiking/Walking/Fishing
  3. Going for a coffee/meal alone
  4. Going away for a weekend
  5. Meditation
  6. Sleeping

These are only a few ways that you can try to get alone with God and receive rest. Being more organised also helps you to maintain your tasks and what is of higher priority. If you need to say ‘no’ to some event, so you can have some time to soak in the bath tub, then do that. We have liberty and freedom, and we may offend people, but you receiving rest is of vital importance. Embrace the fact that your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellbeing should be a priority for you.

If you suffer burnout, who will be able to cook meals and take care of your family? In other words, if your cup is empty, how will you fill the cups of those around you?

Hebrews 4 is entitled “Promised rest for God’s people”. People who know God and have a relationship with Him, can only experience true rest. What is this rest, you may ask? It’s about having faith in God and ceasing from your own works. It’s about trusting that God has got your back.

Rest brings peace. Peace is defined as the absence of strife. We don’t need to strive anymore, we can just be. We can truly enter into that rest.

“There was such a swirl of activity around Jesus, with so many people coming and going, that they were unable to even eat a meal. So Jesus said to his disciples, “Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.” (Mark 6:31 TPT)

Sometimes all you need is a moment to make a sandwich and rest a while. Even Jesus understood this.


Further Resources for you on Rest:

  1. Enter his rest Bernard Yeowart (Gracelife Church: Stellenbosch) August 6, 2017
  2. Supernatural rest leads to supernatural increase Joshua McCauley (Redemption Church: Johannesburg) 2015
  3. The Bible: New King James Version, The Message, English Standard Version
  4. Living a life of peace and rest, Audio. Jeremy Pearsons. Pearsons Ministries

3 thoughts on “Slowing Down: The benefits of a proper Rest

  1. wow.
    ”If you suffer burnout, who will be able to cook meals and take care of your family? In other words, if your cup is empty, how will you fill the cups of those around you?”

    This hit the spot for me….

  2. Yep, and I think it’s something we don’t think about much, until we are physically sick or burnt out, and are FORCED to rest or slow down. However, we were not created to be busy all the time. Thanks again for your much-welcomed feedback! Xoxo

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